Difficult Surgical Procedure done successfully in a city based hospital

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A difficult Central Hepatectomy surgical procedure was performed successfully by a team of doctors headed by Dr. N.N. Das, Senior Consultant, Department of HPB and Liver Transplantation, down town hospital at the city based down town hospital.

A lady of 42 years of age was admitted in the hospital with a history of Upper Abdominal pain for the past 6 month and on evaluation and investigation, the patient was diagnosed with Hepatolithiasis, i.e., stones in the liver involving the Anterior sectoral bile duct affecting segment V and VIII of the liver. Since there is an increased incidence of Cholangiocarcinoma, Central Hepatectomy was planned accordingly and done successfully.

A central hepatectomy is a difficult surgical procedure because a central portion of the liver had to be removed and as the patient had a history Cholesystectomy 14 years back, adhesions had to be released.

This is a difficult and a rare surgical procedure done in the region. The patient made an uneventful recovery and has discharged on the 12th post operative day.

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