Neuro- Surgery
MBBS from Gauhati Medical College in 2002
MS from Silchar Medical College in 2007
MCh(Neurosurgery) from Gauhati Medical College in 2011
Trained in Microneurosurgery, Skull Base Surgery, Spinal Instrumentation
15th Asian Australasion –Congress of Neurological Surgeons
68th Annual Conference of the Neurological Society of India
International Memingiona Society Congress
World Academy of Neurological Surgery
1. A study of Pineal Region Tumor in North East Indian
2. Management of Intracranial Epidermoids and experience at a Tertiary Care Central in North East
3. Management of Spine Tuberculosis in the North Eastern –Region in India
4. The Clinical Profile and Radiological Variations of Medulloblastoma
5. The Clinical Pofile and Histological Variation Medulloblastoma in North East India
6. Cerebellspinal Hemangioblastoma with Pheochromocytoma and Hepatic Cyst a rare entity
7. Penetrating Brain Injury by Multiple Low Velocity Objects
8. Clinic Pathological Study of Pituitary Adenomas in the region of Northeast Indian
9. An analysis of factors determining the requirement of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Surgery in the Children Suffering from Posterior Fossa Tumor, Single Center Retrospective Review
10. A case of Von Hippel-lindau Disease with Multiorgan Involvement